Books and Quotes

Writing allows us to communicate and preserve our ideas across space and time. It takes many forms including some unimagined just a few years ago, this blog being one. The intent of Books and Quotes is to explore the written word. Join in with your comments and observations. Have a book or an observation you would like discussed? E-mail me!

Location: Rogers, Arkansas

I needed a way to increase my appreciation of life so I decided to start looking for the Good Life ... come along for the ride!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

On Being Non-Politically Correct

”…large numbers of students either parrot the PC line or (more often) quietly avoid contradicting it. Yet political correctness looks a lot stronger on the surface than it really is. The truth is, its strength (intimidation) is also its weakness – because most people don’t really believe in it. … The gods of secularism and political correctness are nothing compared to the God of Israel. They can only intimidate us if we let them - if we forget who our God is and what He does.”

Matt Kaufman (from "Power PC") quoted in Abby Nye's new book Fish Out of Water: Surviving and Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus.


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